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Special Projects

Miami Design District Store

Prada Miami

Il negozio Prada nel cuore del Design District di Miami svela un’interpretazione inedita del concept design degli spazi retail del brand, tratteggiando una nuova identità visiva.
Lo spazio simula la sfera domestica, popolata di arredi originali e unici creati dai più importanti designer e architetti brasiliani della metà dello scorso secolo, tra i quali Joaquim Tenreiro, riconosciuto in modo unanime come il padre del design brasiliano, Carlo Hauner e Martin Eisler, Jorge Zalszupin, José Zanine Caldas e Sérgio Rodrigues.

The Store

Mobiliario Brasileiro

A distinct facet of mid-century Modernism, the design of Brazilian furniture (1945-1970) is emblematic of a unique cultural exchange between Europe - speci cally Italy - and Latin America, a fusion of the old world and the new. Eschewing the restrictive traditions of North American and European models, Brazilian design focused on softly contoured, organic lines and sensuality of material, combining émigré aesthetics and techniques with indigenous materials, African in uences and folk craft. Keyed to the particular demands of Brazil’s tropical environment and dominated by the use of native jacaranda (Brazilian rosewood), these designs afford a new viewpoint on classical Modernism, an arresting point of view, an entirely new reinterpretation of the movement’s tenets and principles.

The resultant designs, unique and de ned, are characterised by a lightness of both morphology and ideology - relaxed both physically, and mentally - forms combining a strength and rigour of shape with a sensuality and tactility of material, an intimacy. In their free co-mingling of references and materials, their inherent iconoclasm and anti- orthodox approach, they are composed of contrasts and contradictions, nding harmony in the unconventional. Philosophically, these pieces are fundamentally Prada. 

Joaquim Tenreiro

Jorge Zalszupin

José Zanine Caldas

Martin Eisler | Carlo Hauner

Sergio Rodrigues