Note biografiche
Shuang Li (1990, Monti Wuyi, Cina) ha conseguito il master in Studi mediatici presso l’Università di New York nel 2014. Attualmente vive e lavora tra Berlino e Ginevra.
Le mostre più recenti dell’artista includono: “I’m Not”, Swiss Institute, New York (2024); “Forever”, Peres Projects, Milano (2023); “Death Star”, Galeria Madragoa, Lisbona (2023); “nobody’s home”, Peres Projects, Berlino (2022); “Among Us”, Cherish, Ginevra (2021); “Exit Wound”, Callie’s, Berlino (2020); “I Want to Sleep More but by Your Side”, Peres Projects, Berlino (2020); “Intro to Civil War”, Open Forum, Berlino (2019); “If Only the Cloud Knows”, Sleepcenter, New York (2018); “Comment il s’appelle”, Lab 47, Pechino (2016).
Tra le mostre collettive più recenti: Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2024 (BIM’24): “A Cosmic Movie Camera”, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Ginevra (2024); Whitney Biennial 2024: “Even Better Than the Real Thing”, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2024); Out of Place, Beijing Commune, Pechino (2024); “Paraventi”, Fondazione Prada, Milano; “Cosmos Cinema”: The 14th Shanghai Biennale, Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2023); “Inner Voices and Exterior Visions”, Tate Modern, Londra (2023); RAM Highlights 2022: “The Good Life”, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai (2022); “The Milk of Dreams”, Biennale di Venezia (2022).