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Fashion Shows

SS 2021 Womenswear



View the conversation with Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons about their first collection
Interview with Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons

A view on the backstage by Daniel Arnold

Duality and plurality has always been inherent in the language of Prada: juxtaposing different elements, approaches and disciplines to find a paradoxical harmony in dichotomy. The physical environment of this virtual fashion show – conceived by OMA/AMO - is a personal, intimate space, tactile. Technology appears as chandeliers of monitors and cameras - decoration and use combined - animated in a dynamic ballet with figures that pass through. The soundtrack, composed for the show by Plastikman, British-Canadian electronic musician Richie Hawtin, includes the names of every woman modelling in the show: an entirely new cast who have never walked a runway show previously. For all of them, this marks a debut.

Enter the Prada Spring Summer 2021 Womenswear Showspace and live a 3D experience

Experience Showspace 3D

La musique

Pour la collection Femme Printemps/Été 2021, Prada réfléchit à la façon dont la technologie influence l'intimité et la sensualité, ce qui a inspiré Richie Hawtin alias Plastikman à utiliser des algorithmes de l'intelligence artificielle et à créer des voix synthétiques pour peupler le paysage acoustique du défilé.